Deborah Nino Tkeshelashvili
• Pastor Nino Tkeshelashvili was born on February 12, 1968, in Tbilisi city, Georgia (country).
• In 1985 she finished Vekua Pysics-Mathematical School 42, Tbilisi, Georgia.
• In 1990 she graduated from the faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
• From 1991 to 1993 she began working as a graphic designer for the newspapers 7 Dge, Mimomkhilveli, Akhali Taoba.
• In 1992 the rite of baptism was performed on her at St. Nino Orthodox Church in Tbilisi.
• In 1993 she had a spiritual experience with Lord Jesus Christ in her own room at home and became a believer of the Living God.
• In 1993 she was baptized according to the Bible by full immersion under water.
• In 1996 she studied in Mariannelund’s Folkhogskola, InterConnect training course (Mariannelund, Sweden).
• In 1998 she answered God’s calling for her life and bravely started her public preaching and ministry.
• She went through many attacks, insults and rejection from religious circles as a minister, especially as a woman preacher.
• She has been relentlessly discredited for years. At the same time there was ongoing pressure on her husband, Pastor Zaal, because of his support to her as a woman Pastor and preacher.
• Over the years, because of her free and uncompromised preaching, she was getting different types of messages of threats and hatred.
• Since 1999 she has been going through persecutions and judicial proceedings with his husband and the church congregation.
• From 2006 to 2010 she is studying at the International Black See University and earns PHD in Business Administration.
• From 2019 to 2020 once again she has been attacked from religious circles and went through court trial to retain a status of a minister free from any manipulation and influence.
• To this day, he as a Pastor of Evangelical Church of Georgia spreads the light of God’s word along with his husband, daughter Shorena and friends.